
License Acupuncturist Dr. Li, after his graduation from department of acupuncture and Moxibustion Chinese Massage Therapy (Tuina), Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University (GXTCMU), he has been specialized in pain-management and treatment of pain for patients for over 25 years using Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture, Tuina, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Dr. Li has treated various forms of pains including migraine, cervical and lumbar pains, sciatica pain, and pains due to paralysis of extremities (hands and feet), pains due to stroke, and pains due to various cancers by using unique modalities that combine positive or negative charged electrical stimulation/inhibition, Yin/Yang balance theory, and supplement/removing treatment methods. Dr. Li has also successfully treated patients with pollen-allergies by using acupuncture. Dr. Li is competent in using Chinese herbs and formulas, and he understands diagnostic treatments and applications of Western medicine’s anatomy, pathology, and biochemistry.



有个七十多岁的病人,是个修女,姓王,叫王修女.经塾人介绍找到我治疗,她来到后,我询问了她的病情,作了诊断,正准备给她治疗,还未有空闲介绍忌口等注 意韦事项,她即问我说:"吃糯米好不好,对我腿痛有没有影响",我说:"当然有影响,而且影响还很大",她即讲了讲她吃糯米对她腿痛的影响经历.她说:" 原来她有过轻微中风,腿走路稍微不便,但没有膝关节痛,有一次有个福州人教友送些八宝饭给她吃,她吃后那段时间即感觉膝关节酸痛,但还不很严重.又过了一 段时间,在八大道有个塾人请我吃汤圆,我不想吃,认为糯米对我腿不好,但盛情难却,于是吃了,但在回教堂的半路上即感觉膝关节明显酸痛乏力(只是二个大道 的路),回到教堂上楼梯则明显吃力".

