有一次给她治疗时,她问我说:"李医生,为什么我吃了芽菜仔(广东话)后腰及坐骨神经会痛得厉害",我问她说芽菜仔是什么,因为我不懂,她说芽菜仔是绿豆 发的豆芽,我于是对她说:"我不是告诉过你说绿豆寒凉伤腰及伤肾对你坐骨神经痛不好吗?!虽然绿豆变成了绿豆芽,它还是原来的性质-寒凉,吃了当然会有反 应拉",她大说明白了.
Dr Li (Tony) office address :1330 New Hampshire Ave NW Suit B5 Washington DC 20036。 Service:Acupuncture/Acupreesur/ Massage/Cupping Herb/Qi Gong。 Phone:732-642-1621 (English) 917-774-6983 or 917-775-9595 (Chinese ,)
- www.tonyacupuncture.com
- License Acupuncturist Dr. Li, after his graduation from department of acupuncture and Moxibustion Chinese Massage Therapy (Tuina), Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University (GXTCMU), he has been specialized in pain-management and treatment of pain for patients for over 25 years using Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture, Tuina, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Dr. Li has treated various forms of pains including migraine, cervical and lumbar pains, sciatica pain, and pains due to paralysis of extremities (hands and feet), pains due to stroke, and pains due to various cancers by using unique modalities that combine positive or negative charged electrical stimulation/inhibition, Yin/Yang balance theory, and supplement/removing treatment methods. Dr. Li has also successfully treated patients with pollen-allergies by using acupuncture. Dr. Li is competent in using Chinese herbs and formulas, and he understands diagnostic treatments and applications of Western medicine’s anatomy, pathology, and biochemistry.