Dr Li (Tony) office address :1330 New Hampshire Ave NW Suit B5 Washington DC 20036。 Service:Acupuncture/Acupreesur/ Massage/Cupping Herb/Qi Gong。 Phone:732-642-1621 (English) 917-774-6983 or 917-775-9595 (Chinese ,)
Dr. Li, I still do not quite understand the story and reasoning behind the water and what is in the water that causes the water to be alkaline and what do you mean by saying "on the surface" or "surface water"?
回复删除When you say wheat made into vinegar, do you mean fermentation of wheat and grains or the carbonation of the resulting water into carbonated "soda" a.k.a. "soft" drinks?
What did the soldiers realize?
is Heihe a well dug to obtain water or a spring that results in water on or in the ground? well water versus "surface" water?
What is too high? Is it that the pH balance of the water is too high making it alkaline or does it have to do with the altitude of the water source (a well or a spring? within the ground or on top of the ground as surface water?} ?
Is it safe to drink / consume "soda" or carbonated water and/or soft drinks? or Does the soda water and soft drinks cause same effects as the vinegar and fermented wheat processed into alkaline vinegar or alcoholic drinks?
I do not quite understand this yet, so can you please explain. Thank you for your insight and expertise in biochemistry. I am learning much from your treatments.