
License Acupuncturist Dr. Li, after his graduation from department of acupuncture and Moxibustion Chinese Massage Therapy (Tuina), Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University (GXTCMU), he has been specialized in pain-management and treatment of pain for patients for over 25 years using Traditional Chinese Medicine including Acupuncture, Tuina, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Dr. Li has treated various forms of pains including migraine, cervical and lumbar pains, sciatica pain, and pains due to paralysis of extremities (hands and feet), pains due to stroke, and pains due to various cancers by using unique modalities that combine positive or negative charged electrical stimulation/inhibition, Yin/Yang balance theory, and supplement/removing treatment methods. Dr. Li has also successfully treated patients with pollen-allergies by using acupuncture. Dr. Li is competent in using Chinese herbs and formulas, and he understands diagnostic treatments and applications of Western medicine’s anatomy, pathology, and biochemistry.


哥伦比亚现“洗脑”毒品 可将人变成“人偶”(图)

哥伦比亚现“洗脑”毒品 可将人变成“人偶”(图)

新闻来源: 国际在线 于May 14, 2012 06:14:45 敬请注意:新闻取自各大新闻媒体,观点内容不代表本网立场!


这种毒品被称为东莨菪碱(scopolamine),俗称“魔鬼呼吸”,具有极高的致幻作用,是从南美洲一种名叫Borrachero 的常见树中提取出来的。犯罪分子会在街头将“魔鬼呼吸”喷在受害者的脸上,或将其偷偷加进饮料里给受害者饮用,几分钟内,受害者就会变成完全受犯罪分子控制的“人偶”,而且在恢复正常后对自己在毒品作用下的所作所为不会有任何记忆。
在“魔鬼呼吸”的影响下,有的受害者遭到强奸,有的将自己银行账户里的钱全部取出送给犯罪分子。一名受害者甚至将罪犯带回家,帮助他将家里所有的东西打包带走。 利用致幻毒品进行的犯罪在哥伦比亚如此猖獗令人震惊,专家猜测,这可能与当地过去的毒品文化和战争有关。